The tail of a southern right whale, off the coast of South Africa
A southern right whale's head measures one third of its total length. It is easy to identify, as the enormous head is covered in white-coloured outgrowths of tough skin. They are only found in the oceans of the southern hemisphere.
短語 chasing your tail 的意思就是從早到晚忙個不停,但沒有太多收獲,就是我們常說的瞎忙活或無謂瞎忙。
I've been chasing my tail all day, but I haven't got anything done! What a waste of a day!
Organising a meeting for next week has been impossible. I've been chasing my tail trying to sort out a date, venue and agenda... I'll try again tomorrow!
短語 to run around like a headless chicken 的意思是投入大量精力去做很多事情,但是沒有任何真正的收益,如漢語里常說的“像無頭蒼蠅到處亂撞”。
I've been running around like a headless chicken all day trying to get ready for my holiday, but it's already 7.30pm and I've still got loads to do!