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中國日報網 2021-10-31 14:00


月球樣品 lunar sample


An analysis of moon rocks brought back to Earth by China's Chang'e 5 mission suggests the samples are a new type of lunar basalt, different from those collected during previous Apollo and Luna missions.


月球玄武巖(lunar basalt)是月幔部分熔融形成的巖漿經過火山噴發(fā)至月表冷卻結晶形成的巖石。火山活動(volcanic activity)是月球具有內動力的表現,火山活動停止表明月球失去了內動力,也就意味著地質意義上的“死亡”。因此,研究火山巖可以揭示月球化學組成(chemical composition)和熱演化歷史(thermal evolution)。



Previous radioisotope dating of lunar samples brought back by the Apollo and Luna missions suggested that most lunar volcanic activities ceased by around 2.9 billion or 2.8 billion years ago. Those samples were collected within 30 degrees of the moon's equator and could not represent the large lunar surface.

After studying the isotopes of the rocks brought back by Chang'e 5, scientists confirmed that the basalts came from the same eruption lava, which occurred around 2 billion years ago, delaying the end of the Moon's volcanic activity by 800 million to 900 million years.


為什么月球冷卻如此之慢,目前科學界存在兩種可能的解釋:巖漿源區(qū)中富含放射性元素以提供熱源(a lunar mantle rich in radioactive elements to provide a heat source),或富含水以降低月幔熔點(a lunar mantle rich in water to lower the melting point)。

Scientists discovered previously that the volcanically active region on the moon was rich in some specific heat-producing elements-potassium, rare earths and phosphorus. The elements were believed to be associated with the near side's volcanism by providing a heat source.

But researchers found that the high content of those elements in the samples collected by Chang'e 5 did not originate in the moon's mantle, where lava would ordinarily have been formed. The previous studies used remote sensing techniques without returned samples, meaning the deeper composition could not be detected.



The recent analysis of the water composition shows that the deep lunar mantle of the sampling area was much drier 2 billion years ago than that of older regions with volcanism.

這一發(fā)現也排除了月幔富水(the rich content of water in the lunar mantle)而具有低熔點,導致該區(qū)域巖漿活動持續(xù)時間異常延長的猜想。



The above results raise new questions on the study of the thermal evolution of the moon.

It is still unclear why the moon cooled down so slowly, and it will require a new theoretical framework and evolutionary model to provide new directions for future lunar exploration and research.


青海湖水體面積 water area of the Qinghai Lake


Qinghai Lake has seen its largest water area since 2004 as a result of increased rainfall and improved ecological conservation.


按照湖泊水的物理性質劃分,可以把湖泊分成咸水湖(saltwater lake)和淡水湖(freshwater lake)兩類。

水中含鹽度超過1克每升的湖泊稱為咸水湖。咸水湖通常是湖水不排出或排出不暢,蒸發(fā)造成湖水鹽分富集(high salinity)形成的,故多形成于蒸發(fā)量大的干燥地區(qū)(an arid area of high evaporation)。我國最大的內陸咸水湖(China's largest inland saltwater lake)是青海湖。

淡水湖是指以淡水形式積存在地表上的湖泊(bodies of still, unsalted water surrounded by land),水中含鹽度一般小于1克每升。淡水湖一般是外流湖,因為注入湖泊的冰雪融水、河流以及降水等水流最終又流向它處,湖水的鹽分很低。我國最大的淡水湖(China's largest freshwater lake)是鄱陽湖。



Increased rainfall was the main reason for the lake's water area expansion. Enhanced ecological conservation also played an important role.


The lake had been shrinking since the 1950s due to multiple reasons, such as human activities. The combined effects of conservation and changes to the regional climate turned things around.

In 2008, Qinghai launched a 10-year plan on the ecological environment protection and comprehensive management of the Qinghai Lake basin with a total investment of 1.567 billion yuan.


在日常生活中,basin這個詞多表示“盆”這種器皿,比如,water basin(水盆),a basin of water(一盆水)等;在地理概念中,basin則可以用來表示“盆地”或“流域”,比如:the Yellow River basin(黃河流域), Tarim basin(塔里木盆地)等。

The improving ecosystem of the lake has benefited a variety of plant and animal species. For example, the number of bird species in the lake had increased from 164 in 1996 to 225 in 2020.


房產稅改革試點 pilot property tax reform


The move to pilot property tax reforms aims to advance the property tax legislation and reform in an active and prudent way, guide the rational housing consumption and the economical and intensive use of land resources, and facilitate the steady and sound development of the country's property market, according to the decision.


試點地區(qū)的房地產稅征稅對象為居住用和非居住用等各類房地產(all types of residential and non-residential property in pilot areas),不包括依法擁有的農村宅基地及其上住宅(lawfully-owned rural homesteads and houses built on them are excluded)。土地使用權人、房屋所有權人(the holders of land-use rights and house owners)為房地產稅的納稅人。

The State Council will decide on the list of pilot areas after considering issues such as stepping up the pilot program, promoting unified legislation and advancing the steady and sound development of the property market. It will then submit the list to the NPC Standing Committee, for the record.

The pilot program will last for five years.

The Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration will draft the measures for piloting the property tax and make preparations for the work in accordance with the authorization of the NPC Standing Committee.


北京冬奧會防疫手冊 playbook for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics


A computer-generated image of the National Sliding Center, which is being built in Beijing's Yanqing district. [Photo provided to China Daily]


《防疫手冊》(Playbooks)分兩本,一本面向運動員和隨隊官員(athletes and team officials),另一本面向所有其他利益相關方(all other stakeholders),為其提供了全面的防疫指導,有助于涉奧人員為前往和抵達中國、參加冬奧會和冬殘奧會以及離開北京做好準備(help participants prepare for traveling to and arriving in China, fulfilling their roles at the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, and their departure from Beijing)。



閉環(huán)管理(Closed-loop management):這是一種特殊的管理方法,通過減少不必要的接觸,在保證涉奧人員和中國公眾安全(keep Games participants and people in China safe by reducing unnecessary interactions)的同時,又能確保其完成必要的日常工作(allow everyone to perform their day-to-day activities that are essential to their roles during the Games)。如已按照《防疫手冊》完成疫苗全程接種,入境中國后,不需要進行21天的集中隔離,可直接進入閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)(allows Games participants to enter China without undergoing a compulsory 21-day quarantine, provided they are fully vaccinated)。


疫苗接種(Vaccination):實踐證明,疫苗可以降低新冠肺炎感染和傳播的風險,是安全開展活動的關鍵手段。所有人員來華至少14日前需完成新冠疫苗全程接種,才可免除集中隔離,進入閉環(huán)管理(it will be mandatory to be fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to departure for China, in order to be allowed in the closed-loop system without quarantine)。所有根據《防疫手冊》未完成全程接種的人員需在抵達北京后接受21天的集中隔離(anyone not fully vaccinated will need to quarantine for 21 days upon arrival in Beijing)。運動員和隨隊官員因醫(yī)學原因申請豁免疫苗接種,須個案研究后確定。


檢測、追蹤與隔離(Test, trace and isolate):將采取嚴格的防疫措施,通過檢測盡早查出感染者,通過排查密切接觸者確定可能的感染人員,通過采取隔離措施阻止疫情傳播。

Strict protocols will be in place to identify who has the COVID-19 virus as early as possible through testing; to understand to whom the virus might have been passed through contact tracing; and to use isolation and quarantine to stop the virus from spreading further.


減少接觸(Minimize physical interaction):新冠病毒在咳嗽、打噴嚏、交談、呼喊或唱歌過程中,主要通過飛沫傳播。因此,我們應接種疫苗、最大限度減少接觸、佩戴口罩,并避免密閉空間、人群聚集和密切接觸等情況。

COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through small liquid particles in our breath exhaled by coughing, sneezing, talking, shouting or singing. That's why it's important to be vaccinated, minimize physical interaction, wear a mask, and avoid spaces that are enclosed, crowded or involve close contact.



The basics of good hygiene are important to keep everyone safe – regularly and thoroughly cleaning our hands, disinfecting surfaces, avoiding touching our face, and wearing a face mask at all times.


新冠疫情防控聯絡官(COVID-19 liaison officers):所有參加北京冬奧會和冬殘奧會的組織將很快應要求指定新冠疫情防控聯絡官。新冠疫情防控聯絡官的職責是為涉奧人員提供幫助,確保他們了解《防疫手冊》內容,并理解遵守規(guī)定的重要性。

Every organization taking part in the Games will soon be asked to nominate COVID-19 liaison officer(s). The CLO will support Games participants in making sure that they understand the contents of the Playbooks and the importance of complying with them.


第二版《防疫手冊》(the second editions of the Playbooks)計劃于今年年底發(fā)布。北京冬奧會將于2022年2月4日至20日舉行,北京冬殘奧會將于2022年3月4日至13日舉行。


北京2022年冬奧會獎牌 Winter Olympic medals



Inspired by the exquisite "yubi", an ancient Chinese jade artifact dating back some 5,000 years, each medal features carvings of the Olympic rings at its heart on the front with the words "XXIV Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022" etched around them. Engravings of cloud patterns, an element used on the torch of the 2008 Summer Games, snowflakes and ice scratches fill the outer rings.


The concentric rings around the center represent the pursuit of unity and harmony common in Chinese culture, while echoing the Olympic values of promoting solidarity, inclusiveness and peace among mankind.

The reverse side bears the Beijing 2022 emblem at the center, with the outer rings dotted with 24 stars strung together by circles, representing the 24th edition of the Winter Olympics and featuring the name of the medal event.

Sharing the same design with slight changes, the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games medals were also unveiled on Tuesday, with the International Paralympic Committee's logo carved on the obverse side and the Beijing 2022 Paralympic emblem on the reverse.





中歐班列 the China-Europe freight trains

10月26日,首列“上海號”中歐班列(the first "Shanghai Express")抵達德國北部城市漢堡。在目前全球物流鏈遭遇困難(global logistics disruption)的背景下,“上海號”的開行在歐洲和亞洲之間建立了新的鐵路貨運線路。

當日,德國漢堡舉行儀式(welcome ceremony),歡迎首列“上海號”中歐班列順利抵達。中國駐漢堡總領館副總領事王瑋、漢堡市經濟部長米夏埃爾·韋斯特哈格曼等到場迎接。



This year marks the 35th anniversary of the signing of a partner city agreement between Hamburg and Shanghai, the launch of the "Shanghai Express" has raised the two cities' cooperation to a new level. Hamburg's role as an important node in the "Belt and Road" network has been further strengthened.


韋斯特哈格曼表示,目前物流供應鏈(the logistics chain)正遭遇海運無法如期交付等困難。在此背景下,漢堡和上海之間直達貨運班列“上海號”的開通顯得尤為重要,是雙方合作一個新的里程碑("Shanghai Express" represents a new milestone in the cooperation between Hamburg and Shanghai)。


9月28日,首發(fā)“上海號”列車裝著50個滿載服裝鞋帽、汽車配件、太陽能面板等貨物的集裝箱(carry 50 containers loaded with apparel, auto parts and solar panels),從上海一路向西,經新疆阿拉山口口岸出境,開往漢堡。該班列目前每周開行一次,之后將逐步增加開行頻次并開拓新線路。


自2011年開行以來,中歐班列已鋪畫73條運行線路,通達歐洲23個國家的170多個城市(the China-Europe freight trains traveling along 73 routes have reached more than 170 cities in 23 European countries, since it was launched in 2011)。


超高層建筑 skyscrapers/high-rises


The country prohibits the approval of buildings taller than 250 meters, and strictly restricts those taller than 150 meters in any city whose urban population is below 3 million, according to the circular.



In cities with an urban population of above 3 million, the construction of buildings above 500 meters is banned, and buildings taller than 250 meters can only be built under strict restrictions.



Any residential building taller than 80 meters or public building taller than 100 meters must meet local firefighting standards, so as to be approved for construction, the circular said.



通知強調,要嚴格控制生態(tài)敏感、自然景觀等重點地段的高層建筑建設,不在對歷史文化街區(qū)(historic neighborhoods)、歷史地段、世界文化遺產及重要文物保護單位有影響的地方新建高層建筑,不在山邊水邊以及老城舊城開發(fā)強度較高、人口密集、交通擁堵地段(areas with heavy traffic)新建超高層建筑,不在城市通風廊道(ventilation corridors)上新建超高層建筑群。


中國加入世貿組織20周年 the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO

今年是中國加入世貿組織20周年(the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO)。10月28日,商務部有關負責人就中國“入世”相關熱點問題進行了回應。


China has fully and effectively fulfilled its World Trade Organization commitments and earned wide recognition from the director-general of the WTO and the vast majority of WTO members.



在積極對接WTO規(guī)則(align itself with the WTO rules)方面,王受文舉例說,中國加入WTO后,需要修改相關法律、法規(guī)和政策(revise relevant laws, regulations and policies)使之符合WTO規(guī)則。為此,中央政府清理的法規(guī)和部門規(guī)章有2000多件,地方政府清理的地方性政策法規(guī)有19萬多件。


在開放市場(open its market)方面,王受文介紹,中國“入世”時(at the time of China's entry into the WTO)貨物進口關稅為15.3%,承諾“入世”后降到9.8%,而目前中國進口關稅總水平(overall tariff level)只有7.4%,“低于所有發(fā)展中成員,接近發(fā)達成員水平(lower than that of all developing members and close to that of developed members of the organization)”。在服務領域(the service sector),中國承諾在2007年開放9大類100個分部門,但實際開放接近120個分部門,“超過所作承諾”。


此外,在遵守規(guī)則(abide by the rules)方面,為加大對知識產權保護力度(strengthen protection of intellectual property rights),中國在很多地方設立知識產權法院或法庭(intellectual property courts)。中國還及時向世貿組織通報國內法規(guī)調整和實施情況等。



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