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中國日報網 2022-04-24 17:10




1. 一季度中國經濟數據出爐

2. 個人養(yǎng)老金制度正式落地

3. 《新時代的中國青年》白皮書發(fā)布

4. 我國首個國家植物園正式揭牌

5. IMF下調今年全球經濟增速預期


1. 經濟數據

economic data


China's first-quarter GDP expanded 4.8 percent compared to a year ago amid pressures from a more complicated and grimmer international environment and a resurgent of COVID-19 cases, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.


一季度,中國國內生產總值(gross domestic product)270178億元,同比增長4.8%,比2021年四季度環(huán)比增長1.3%。一季度,全國規(guī)模以上工業(yè)增加值(value-added industrial output)同比增長6.5%。一季度社會消費品零售總額(retail sales)108659億元,同比增長3.3%。一季度全國固定資產投資(fixed-asset investment)同比增長9.3%。3月份,全國城鎮(zhèn)調查失業(yè)率(the surveyed urban jobless rate)5.8%,比上月上升0.3個百分點。


財政收入 fiscal revenue

經濟指標 economic indicator

工業(yè)產值 industrial output

城鎮(zhèn)調查失業(yè)率 surveyed urban unemployment rate


2. 個人養(yǎng)老金制度

private pension scheme


China on Thursday rolled out a private pension scheme to complement the nation's current pension system in its latest effort to tackle the strains of an aging population.


意見規(guī)定,個人養(yǎng)老金實行個人賬戶制度,實行封閉運行,每年繳納個人養(yǎng)老金的上限為12000(the scheme allows Chinese citizens to contribute up to 12,000 yuan annually to individual pension accounts that would be subject to closed-end management),未來還會根據經濟社會發(fā)展水平和多層次、多支柱養(yǎng)老保險體系發(fā)展情況等因素適時調整繳費上限(the cap would be adjusted according to social and economic development as well as how the country's pension system evolves)。

意見規(guī)定,個人養(yǎng)老金資金賬戶資金用于購買風險相對較低、投資期限較長的金融產品(the funds in the accounts can be used to purchase financial products that are of relatively lower risk and a longer-term investment horizon)。國家制定稅收優(yōu)惠政策,鼓勵符合條件的人員參加個人養(yǎng)老金制度(the government will offer tax incentives to encourage participation in the new system)。


基本養(yǎng)老保險 basic pension insurance

遵循自愿原則 on a voluntary basis

企業(yè)年金 enterprise annuities

商業(yè)保險 commercial insurance

老齡化社會 an aging society



white paper titled "Youth of China in the New Era"


The State Council Information Office of China on April 21 published a white paper titled "Youth of China in the New Era." The white paper is the first of its kind focusing on China's youth. The document records achievements in the country's youth development in the new era, and reflects the spirit of its youth.


白皮書介紹,新時代中國青年生逢中華民族發(fā)展的最好時期(live in the best times in Chinese history),物質發(fā)展環(huán)境更為優(yōu)越,精神成長空間更為富足,擁有更高質量的發(fā)展條件;教育機會更加均等(equal access to education),職業(yè)選擇豐富多元(diverse career options),發(fā)展流動暢通自由,實現人生出彩的舞臺越來越寬闊;享有更全面的保障支持,成長成才有了更良好的法治環(huán)境、更有力的政策支持、更可靠的社會保障、更溫暖的組織關懷(young people in China in the new era can grow and prosper in a better legal environment and enjoy stronger policy support, more reliable social security, and greater care from a range of organizations)。

白皮書指出,新時代中國青年素質過硬、全面發(fā)展,把樹立正確的理想、堅定的信念作為立身之本(young Chinese should hold lofty ideals and be firm in their convictions, which are fundamental to their success),理想信念更為堅定,身心素質向好向強(better physical and mental health),知識素養(yǎng)不斷提升(stronger intellectual foundations),社會參與積極主動(active participation in social activities),努力成長為堪當民族復興重任的時代新人(grow into a new generation who are capable of shouldering the responsibilities of national rejuvenation)。

白皮書指出,新時代中國青年更加開放自信地融入世界,“走出去”的道路越來越寬,溝通合作的“朋友圈”越來越大,在與世界各國青年的交流合作中,弘揚和平、發(fā)展、公平、正義、民主、自由的全人類共同價值(advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, which are the common values of humanity),展現構建人類命運共同體(build a global community of shared future)的青春擔當。


新時代的中國青年 China's youth in the new era

蓬勃向上的中國青年形象 the vibrant and energetic image of the Chinese youth

共青團 the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC)

創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè) innovation and entrepreneurship


4. 國家植物園

national botanical garden


China unveiled its first national botanical garden on Monday in Beijing, aiming to conserve the country's biodiversity and serve as a Noah's Ark to preserve endangered plant species, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.


國家植物園是在中國科學院植物研究所(南園)和北京市植物園(北園)現有條件的基礎上,經過擴容增效有機整合而成(build upon the work of the Institute of Botany under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Beijing Botanical Garden),總規(guī)劃面積近600公頃(covering around 600 hectares)。目前園內已收集各類植物1.5萬余種,遷地保護水杉、珙桐等珍稀瀕危植物近千種;擁有亞洲最大的植物標本館。

國家植物園是由國家批準設立的,以開展植物資源遷地保護(the off-site conservation of plants)、植物科學研究為主,兼具科學傳播、園林園藝展示等四大功能的綜合性機構。計劃重點收集三北地區(qū)鄉(xiāng)土植物、北溫帶代表性植物、全球不同地理分區(qū)的代表植物及珍稀瀕危植物3萬種以上,五大洲代表性植物標本(typical plant specimens from five continents500萬份。

國家林草局表示,此次在北京設立的國家植物園是中國國家植物園體系(the national botanical garden system)的重要組成部分,國家林草局將會同住房城鄉(xiāng)建設部、中國科學院等有關部門,穩(wěn)步推進國家植物園體系建設,逐步實現我國85%以上野生本土植物、全部重點保護野生植物種類得到遷地保護的目標(achieve the goal of off-site preservation of more than 85 percent of the nation's wild native plants and all the wild plant species on key protection lists)。


野生植物 wild plants

過度開發(fā) over-exploitation

遷地保護 off-site protection

國家生態(tài)安全 national biosecurity

外來物種入侵 invasion of alien species


5. 全球經濟增速預期

global growth forecast


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday slashed global growth forecast for 2022 to 3.6 percent amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict, 0.8 percentage point lower than the January projection, according to its newly released World Economic Outlook (WEO) report.


IMF報告指出,烏克蘭危機爆發(fā)之際,全球經濟正“走在復蘇的道路上(on a mending path)”,但尚未從疫情中完全恢復(has not yet fully recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic),自1月份做出預測以來,全球經濟前景已經“明顯”惡化(global economic prospects have worsened "significantly")。

報告顯示,烏克蘭國內生產總值(GDP)出現兩位數嚴重下滑(a severe double-digit drop in GDP for Ukraine),且俄羅斯經濟急劇收縮(a large contraction in Russia)的“可能性很大”,且還會通過大宗商品市場、貿易和金融途徑在全球范圍內產生溢出效應(worldwide spillovers through commodity markets, trade and financial channels)。

報告稱,受俄烏沖突間接影響,歐盟(the European Union)今年的經濟增長前景被下調了1.1%至2.8%,這成為全球經濟增速整體下調的另一因素(a large contributor to the overall downward revision)。美國今年經濟增長預期為3.7%,較1月份預測下調0.3個百分點,2023年經濟增長預期放緩至2.3%。中國國家統(tǒng)計局418日表示,一季度國內生產總值同比增長4.8%,達27.02萬億元人民幣,面對國際挑戰(zhàn)和新冠疫情反彈(in the face of global challenges and a resurgence of COVID-19 cases),開局總體平穩(wěn)(a steady start in 2022)。


俄烏沖突 the Russia-Ukraine conflict

貨幣緊縮 monetary tightening

金融市場動蕩 financial market volatility

供需失衡 supply-demand imbalances


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